
The article critique assignment for this class is to

Article Critique

The Article Critique assignment for this class is to investigate a peer-reviewed, professional journal in the field of ergonomics for an article of interest to you. The object of your critique is to describe how the study followed, or failed to follow, the criteria for good research.

Speculate on which of the writer's conclusions were warranted and which were not. Please include the following topics in your critique of the selected article:

  • A brief introduction of the article
  • A statement of the research problem
  • A description of research procedures
  • Flaws in the procedural design
  • Analysis of the data
  • Limited and justifiable conclusions

The article you select for this assignment should not be more than two years old, and must be a peer-reviewed publication. Generally, a statement regarding peer review can be found in the introductory pages of a professional.

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