
Te article american health care since 1994 by ben furnas

The article American Health Care Since 1994 by Ben Furnas. Although this article was written in 2009 it gives an excellent overview of the health care system and the continuing challenge in the United States to reduce health care costs while increasing access to quality health care. Your assignment:

In a three pages, Times New Roman double spaced typed paper identify the key points of the article. What is the main thesis of the paper. Grading will be based on demonstrated understanding of the article, how well the paper is organized, how well you transition from one thought to another--from one paragraph to another as well as use of coherent sentences, correct grammar and spelling. Grading will also include demonstrated critical thinking and analysis. Use a business and professional writing style--be direct and concise. I also look at packaging. If I have to read many papers--how will I remember your paper? Remember what you submit is a reflection of you-- its a form of marketing yourself. I suggest you refer to the article even use direct quotes from the article to substantiate and expand your discussion. Of course, follow the rules for plagerism. Note: Read your paper out loud and if possible read it to someone else. Ask the question --does what I am writing make sense? Is it is coherent? Is it direct, is the spelling and grammar correct? Another suggestion on all the writing assignments--assume that the reader is not familiar with the paper or topic or issues. That you have to give the reader in a short time frame the most essential points of the paper, article, etc. Apply these suggestions to everything you submit to me. Thank you, Prof G.

Need two whole pages based on the contents of the article and the others pages for introduction, conclusion references etc.

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