
The art of good writing is in there appearing to be no art


Simple, compound, complex, and compound complex sentence patterns

Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound/Complex Sentence Patterns

1. Although it may be rather long, a simple sentence consists of a single main clause and no subordinate clause.
a. Complex Sentence
b. Compound Sentence
c. Compound/Complex Sentence
d. Simple Sentence

2. A compound sentence consists of two or more main clauses and no subordinate clause.
a. Simple Sentence
b. Compound Sentence
c. Complex Sentence
d. Compound/Complex Sentence

3. A complex sentence consists of one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses, but it requires that one main clause to complete the thought.
a. Complex
b. Simple
c. Compound/Complex Sentence
d. Compound

4. Because the compound complex has both two or more main clauses and two or more subordinate sentences, it is generally fairly long, and it is easy to identify.
a. Complex
b. Compound/Complex Sentence
c. Simple
d. Compound

5. It is necessary to be able to recognize these pattern if you are going to be able to punctuate your sentences correctly.
a. Complex
b. Simple
c. Compound/Complex Sentence
d. Compound

6. After reading all these rules, we may think we will never understand all of this grammar business.
a. Complex
b. Compound
c. Simple
d. Compound/Complex

7. We need to remember that this is not just to make our teachers happy; it is to help our readers clearly understand the meaning of our sentences.
a. Compound
b. Compound/Complex
c. Complex
d. Simple

8. When we gain control over these conventions, our readers will not even notice that we are writing correctly, but they also won't be stopped or interrupted in their reading of our work.
a. Complex
b. Simple
c. Compound/Complex Sentence
d. Compound

9. The art of good writing is in there appearing to be no art.
a. Compound/Complex
b. Simple
c. Compound
d. Complex

10. These quizzes are a review of the subject matter of the chapter, and the exercises on the website really help students prepare for these quizzes.
a. Compound/Complex
b. Complex
c. Compound
d. Simple

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English: The art of good writing is in there appearing to be no art
Reference No:- TGS01926600

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