
The art and science of getting people to spend their money


We defined marketing as, "the art and science of getting people to spend their money on your product rather than the other guy's, and be happy that they did so." Do you think that's true? Does some Wizard of Oz person-behind-the-curtain get you to buy something by manipulating you through the 7 Ps? And is "manipulate" the right word for us to use? Which one of the Ps gets you to purchase - a great price? Superior product no matter what the cost? Or are you influenced by a cool promotion? Give an example of a product and why you bought/buy it. Be specific in referring to the 7 Ps in your post, and include which of the Ps is less relevant to you as well. Don't forget that the Ps often are inter-related - there may be more than one P that influences your decision to buy a product. Please answer all question and back up with the proper citations to support your answers.

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Other Management: The art and science of getting people to spend their money
Reference No:- TGS01881492

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