The areas with the greatest expenditure increase between

Question 1: The United States spent more than _________ on health care in 2004.

  • $1 trillion
  • $4.14 trillion
  • $1.9 trillion
  • $3 trillion

Question 2: The two trends emerging faster and with more power than in the past are _________ and _________.

  • genomic medicine; drug therapy.
  • natural healing; drug therapy.
  • homeopathy; gene therapy.
  • defensive medicine; community health.

Question 3: _________ is an extension of much of the gene therapy that was done throughout the 1990s.

  • Medical therapy
  • Drug therapy
  • Pharmacogenetics
  • Pharmacology

Question 4: The areas with the greatest expenditure increase between 2004 and 2016 are health care and _________.

  • education.
  • drugs.
  • welfare.
  • child care.

Question 5: The fixed expenses are generally specific to a program and they do not vary with _________.

  • expenses.
  • volume.
  • profitability.
  • margin.

Question 6: It is important to be relatively conservative when estimating volumes, _________, and net revenues.

  • volume
  • contractual adjustments
  • demand
  • net revenue rate

Question 7: It is estimated that health care spending will increase to _________ by the year 2016.

  • $ trillion
  • $4.14 trillion
  • $1.9 trillion
  • $3 trillion

Question 8: To determine the _________ for a new service, it is essential to be able to estimate the volume of the new service and the cost per unit of the service.

  • expenses
  • variable expense
  • profitability
  • margin

Question 9: Because most project expenses are _________, it is important to have the volume assumption completed before an estimate of staffing and supplies can begin.

  • fixed
  • adjustable
  • variable
  • constant

Question 10:

The second toughest assumption in any pro-forma is often the _________ assumptions because of the significant possibility of being over optimistic.

  • volume
  • expenses
  • demand
  • net revenue rate

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HR Management: The areas with the greatest expenditure increase between
Reference No:- TGS01001489

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