
The appropriation other program costs covers vacation pay

Following is the postclosing trial balance of the General Fund of Leisure City as at December 31, 2012:


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The following additional information is provided regarding the city accounting policies and other matters:
1. Only items charged to the appropriation  Supplies and materials other programs,are encumbered. Encumbrances lapse if they are outstanding at the close of a fiscal year. They are, however, included in the following year, appropriation. Outstanding encumbrances at the end of 2012 ($ 15,000) are reported as Assigned fund balance.
2. The appropriation ,Other program costs covers vacation pay pension and retiree health care benefits and all other program expenditures
3. The city uses the purchases method to record the acquisition of supplies. The year end supplies inventory is considered to be material and is reported in the city financial statements.
4. The city accounting policy regarding income taxes is to recognize income taxes as revenue of the tax year provided they are expected to be received by April 15 of the following year the due date for filing tax returns.
5. The city maintains tight controls over licensing fees and fines from its inspection program and considers them susceptible to accrual.
The following transactions and events occurred in 2013:
1. The city council of Leisure City approves the following budget for fiscal 2013:


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Following is the postclosing trial balance of the General Fund

2. Open encumbrances at the end of 2012 are restored.
3. All delinquent property taxes outstanding at the end of 2012 are collected between January and May of 2013, together with late payment penalties of $ 2,000.
4. The state pays the $ 80,000 it owes the city.
5. The city levies property taxes in the amount of $ 3,300,000 in anticipation of realizing net cash of $ 3,200,000. It establishes a $ 100,000 allowance for uncollectible taxes and discounts.
6. The city reduces tax bills by $ 60,000 based on taxpayer appeals of property value assessments, and taxpayers deduct $ 30,000 in discounts for early payment of bills. As a result, the city, net collection of property taxes in 2013 against the 2013 tax levy is $ 3,150,000.
7. All remaining unpaid taxes are declared delinquent. The city comptroller concludes that no allowance for uncollectible taxes is needed. He believes that $ 45,000 of the delinquent taxes will be collected in the first 60 days of 2014.
8. During 2013, the city collects $ 2,300,000 in personal income taxes as a result of withholdings by employers and payments made by taxpayers based on estimates for calendar year 2013.
9. At year end the comptroller estimates that, based on past experience, it is likely that taxpayers who file timely (that is, by April 15, 2014) will request refunds of $ 120,000 and will make payments of $ 50,000 with their returns. The comptroller also estimates that about $ 25,000 of additional taxes probably will be received later in 2014 from late filers of tax returns.
10. At the beginning of the year, the city receives an advance of $ 200,000 from the state on a grant for inspecting food establishments. The grant is for a maximum amount of $ 300,000, subject to the following requirements:
(a) The state will reimburse the city for 50 percent of all expenditures paid by the city on the food inspection program, up to the maximum amount of the grant and
(b) The city must file a claim for the balance due to the city by no later than December 31, 2013.
11. The city pays $ 580,000 to operate the inspection program referenced in the previous transaction. It also files a claim on December 31 for the balance due from the state for the program.
12. The city bills a total of $ 95,000 in licensing fees and inspection fines ( through violation notices). It collects $ 85,000 cash during the year and expects to collect the rest during the first 60 days of 2014.
13. In addition to the item recorded in transaction 2, purchase orders for supplies and materials are placed in the amount of $ 280,000 and charged to the appropriation , Supplies and materials other programs.,
14. The following transactions occur regarding the total amount encumbered:
a. Invoices of $ 260,000 are received, vouchered for payment, and paid against encumbrances totaling $ 265,000.
b. Encumbrances totaling $ 10,000 are cancelled. c. Encumbrances of $ 20,000 remain open at year- end. The appropriation lapses, but the pur-chase orders will be honored against the following year, appropriation.
15. Salaries of $ 3,925,000 are paid during the year. Of this amount, $ 3,900,000 is charged to the appropriation for salaries other programs, and $ 25,000 is charged to salaries payable at the beginning of the year.
16. At year end salaries owed to employees for the last week in December total $ 80,000. They will be paid with the first payroll in 2014.
17. Long term general obligation debt is sold early in 2013, causing an increase in debt service requirements for the year. As a result the General Fund budget is amended; the appropriation for Transfer to Debt Service Fund, is increased by $ 40,000.
18. A cash transfer of $ 440,000 is made to the Debt Service Fund.
19. The following transactions and events occur regarding the appropriation for Other program costs:
a. Analysis of vacation leave records shows that the total liability to employees for unused vacation days increases by $ unused vacation days increases by $ 25,000 as a result of the year, activity. The total liability includes $ 10,000 due to employees who retire December 31 they will receive that amount in January 2014.
b. The retirement system actuary advises the city that the increase in liability for retiree health care benefits as a result of employees who have worked in 2013 is $ 75,000. The city, policy however is to finance only the health care benefits of its retirees. For the year those expenditures are $ 50,000, of which $ 45,000 is paid during the year and the rest will be paid in January 2014.
c. During the year, other payments of $ 500,000 are charged to the appropriation.
20. The year- end inventory of supplies and materials totals $ 35,000.
21. To avoid an increase in property tax rates, Leisure City, budget for 2014 includes a formal appropriation of $ 50,000 to finance the difference between estimated revenues and appropriations. Use the preceding information to do the following:
a. Prepare journal entries to record the foregoing transactions and events.
b. Prepare a trial balance for 2013 after recording the journal entries.
c. Prepare a balance sheet and a statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balance.
d. Prepare a budgetary comparison schedule for2013.

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Accounting Basics: The appropriation other program costs covers vacation pay
Reference No:- TGS01154732

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