
The application of title vii and amendments in the

Prepare a 1,150- to 1,400-word paper explaining the scope of Title VII and its applications in the workplace.

Address the following items in your paper:

The history and evolution of Title VII and its amendments (PDA, ADA, Adea)

The application of Title VII and amendments in the workplace

Who is covered and not covered under Title VII and its amendments

How disparate impact discrimination and disparate treatment discrimination occur under Title VII and their implications

Policies that companies must have in place to avoid violations of Title VII and its amendments

How the law defines sexual harassment and employers' responsibilities for addressing employees' complaints in the work place

Response must be consistent with New APA guidelines complete with detailed intro and conclusion, subtitles for each section, in-text citations as well as reference page.

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Other Subject: The application of title vii and amendments in the
Reference No:- TGS02173008

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