the api for this class ispublic void poweron

The API for this class is:

public void powerOn()  // sets the machine ready to serve the selected ice cream

public void powerOff()   // set the machine in the off/default state

public void setSize (int)  // selects the size to serve, 0 (small) through 3 (huge)
public String getSize()  // returns the current serving size

public void setFlavor (int)  // selects the flavor, 0 (chocolate), 1 (vanilla), 2 (swirl), 3 (strawberry)

public String getFlavor()  // returns the current flavor selection

public void setSprinkles(boolean)  // turns the sprinkles option on or off

public boolean getSprinkles()   // returns the current state of the sprinkles option

public String serve ()  // returns the prepared ice cream cone report

public String toString ()  // returns the prepared ice cream cone report

Your project is to create a driver class that uses SuperJavaIceCreamClass.  Your driver class must meet the following minimum criteria:

1. Your driver must create at least three ice cream cones and print the reports of those objects.

2. You must create at least two separate objects of type SuperJavaIceCreamClass.

3. At least one of your objects must be used twice to create two different types of ice cream cone.

4. Your driver class must be named Java1306CMIS141C801Project4

Please turn in by the project due date:

1. Your file

2. A screen shot of your output

Here is an example run. Your output should be similar.


 Volume in drive C is OS

 Volume Serial Number is A426-EE6D

 Directory of C:\Users\andy\java\141\p4

12/26/2013  01:18 PM   


12/26/2013  01:18 PM   


12/26/2013  01:18 PM               536

12/26/2013  01:13 PM             2,383 SuperJavaIceCreamClass.class

               2 File(s)          2,919 bytes

               2 Dir(s)  118,631,284,736 bytes free



 Volume in drive C is OS

 Volume Serial Number is A426-EE6D

 Directory of C:\Users\andy\java\141\p4

12/26/2012  01:19 PM   


12/26/2012  01:19 PM   


12/26/2012  01:19 PM               728 Java1302CMIS141C902Project4.class

12/26/2012  01:18 PM               536

12/26/2012  01:13 PM             2,383 SuperJavaIceCreamClass.class

               3 File(s)          3,647 bytes

               2 Dir(s)  118,631,280,640 bytes free

C:\Users\andy\java\141\p4>java Java1302CMIS141C902Project4

Here is your small chocolate ice cream cone with sprinkles.  It's delicious!

Here is your large swirl ice cream cone.  It's delicious!

Here is your medium strawberry ice cream cone.  It's delicious!


public class SuperJavaIceCreamClass


  private final int MAX_MIX_LEVEL = 10;

  private String[] servingSizes = { "small", "medium", "large", "huge", "\"bring a wheelbarrow\"" };

  private int currentServingSize;

  private boolean readyToServe;

  private String[] iceCreamFlavors = { "chocolate", "vanilla", "swirl", "strawberry", "motor oil" };

  private int currenticeCreamFlavor;

  private boolean activateSprinkles;

  public SuperJavaIceCreamClass()


    this.readyToServe = false;





  public void powerOn() {

    this.readyToServe = true;


  public void powerOff() {

    this.readyToServe = false;





  public void setSize(int a) {

    if ((a < 0) || (a > this.servingSizes.length - 1)) this.currentServingSize = 4; else

      this.currentServingSize = a;


  public String getSize() {

    return this.servingSizes[this.currentServingSize];


  public void setFlavor(int a) {

    if ((a < 0) || (a > this.iceCreamFlavors.length - 1)) this.currenticeCreamFlavor = 4; else

      this.currenticeCreamFlavor = a;


  public String getFlavor() {

    return this.iceCreamFlavors[this.currenticeCreamFlavor];


  public void setSprinkles(boolean a) {

    this.activateSprinkles = a;


  public boolean getSprinkles() {

    return this.activateSprinkles;


  public String serve()


    String t;

    String t;

    if (!this.readyToServe) {

      t = "Rattle, rattle, hiss, fizz, plop.";




      String s;

      String s;

      if (getSprinkles()) s = " with sprinkles"; else

        s = "";

      t = "Here is your " + getSize() + " " + getFlavor() + " ice cream cone" + s + ".  It's delicious!";



    return t;


  public String toString() {

    return serve();



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