1. Compute delta G or the oxidation of fre FADH2 by O2. Explain what is the maximum number of ATPs that can be synthesized, allocate standard conditions and 100% conservation of energy?
3. Explain how do the P/O rations for NADH differ in ATP synthases that contain 10 and 15c subunits?
4. The antibiotic oligomycin B blocks proton transport trough Fo. Define why actate concentrations build up in rats that have been treated with oligomycin B.
5 Define why compounds such as DNP increase metabolic rates.
6. Explain the changes (NADH)/(NAD+) AND (ATP)/(ADP) that take place during the switch from anaerobic to aerobic metabolism. How do these ratios influence the activity of glycolysis and the citric acid cycle?