Assignment: Annotated Bibliography
The annotated bibliography assignment is your main project for this class. It includes a written thesis statement about a topic of your choice and a list of seven related resources, each with a pathfinder, a citation, and an evaluation of each item. Proper citation of each resource is required.
Overview of main components:
1. Thesis Statement: Include your 100-150 word overview of your topic. This needs to be approved by your instructor before you complete your assignment and must be included as part of your final project.
2. Quantity and Variety of Resources: Choose 10 topic-specific resources. NOTE: Your materials should be located using Viterbo University library resources (with the exception of websites). In addition, one item (book, article, reference resource, etc.) may be located from a non-Viterbosource:
3 articles (online or print)
2 books (e-book or print)
1 website (blog, educational, commercial, organizational, etc.)
4 resources of your own selection (may be a combination of articles, books, websites reference resources)
3. Citation Style: Choose a citation format and use that one format throughout your project (MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian). Each of the ten items needs its own citation.
4. Pathfinder: For each item, please include a one sentence description on how you found this particular resource, e.g., Library Homepage - VitCat
- Book Search - Call Number, or Library Homepage - Library Databases - ScienceDirect - important keywords used-PDF. This may be an abbreviated list like the one shown, or it may be a descriptive sentence.
5. Evaluation: For each resource, in 100-150 words include a brief overview and discuss the following key ideas: publication information, authority, reliability, and reason/use.
Assignment Description
You will begin working toward completing your annotated bibliography with Part One of the draft annotation assignment. First, you will find a book (either print or e-book) on the topic you selected in the planning assignment (this is the same topic you will use to guide your selection of resources for the annotated bibliography assignment). Create an annotation for the resource by including the following:
- Citation for the book (either APA or MLA style)
- Pathfinder - Provide a short description of how you found the book either in full-sentence description or in a step-by-step format similar to this:
Library homepage - Library catalog (WorldCat Discovery) - "women" AND "Roman society" - Call number - Book
- Evaluation of the book. Read at least one chapter of the book. In a minimum of 100-150 words, include the following:
Include a summary of the book's content. Do not copy/past from the book.
Description of publication type (article, book, etc.) and/or the purpose of the book (e.g., to persuade, to inform, to analyze, to entertain, etc.)
Identify the audience (who the author wrote the book for)
o Credibility
Summarize the author's or organization's credentials and affiliations (in your own words!)
Discuss whether or not you can detect bias
If relevant, identify when the book was published and if the information is current.
o Use
Identify why you chose the book