
The analysis paper will be based on a book that you will

Question: Analysis Paper

The Analysis Paper will be based on a book that you will choose from a list to be provided to you in Week 2. You are to identify the author's purpose for the book, its major themes, principles and concepts, and describe how those themes, principles, and concepts relate to the themes, principles and concepts presented by DuBrin. More details can be found in the Instructor Notes in Week 2.

The paper should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document.

For this paper, you are to read one of the four books listed below. You are to identify the author's purpose for the book, its major themes, principles and concepts, and describe how those themes, principles, and concepts relate to the themes, principles and concepts presented by DuBrin. In other words, I want to see at minimum four (4) concepts from your "chosen author" and how they to compare to DuBrin: where they agree and where they don't or if they don't. This is not a book review but rather it is an analysis of an outside reading, and the documentation of that reading's relatedness to the material you have been studying throughout this class.

The paper, submitted as a word document attachment, is to be completed in APA; it is to be between 6-10 pages no more no less (double- spaced pages, 12 point font) in length, and must include the following information using this template:

• a Title page

• an Abstract Heading and Section;

• an Introduction Heading and Section;

• a Discussion Heading and Section;

• a Conclusion Heading and Section and

• a Reference page.

For help and/or support with writing go to the "Resources" drop-down tool found within the "Global Navigation" tool (the Blue Banner) and click on either "Library or "Writing Assistance." And for guidelines regarding APA form and style, there is this wonderful site @ Purdue OWL APA that has examples and instructions.

Urls: 1. The Purdue University OWL

2. The Purdue University OWL APA Style Guide

The book you select will need to be obtained from a local library, Webster's library, a bookstore, an online book service such as Amazon.com, or some other book source. You are not required to purchase this book as it is available in libraries. If you want to purchase it for future reference, it is your choice.

The books from which you must choose are:

1. Work With Me: A New Lens on Leading the Multigenerational Workforce, Debra S. Magnuson and Lora S. Alexander (2008)

If, because of special circumstances, you are unable to obtain one of the books listed above, and would like to review and report on an alternative, you must send me the title of the book you are requesting to use, the date of its copyright, and a valid rationale for using the alternative. An appropriate rationale could be, for example, that none of the books are available to you because you are on military deployment, and book resources at your location are limited. Just wanting to review a book that is more easily available, one you have read previously for another class, or one you would like to review for personal reasons, is not an adequate reason and will not be approved.

Finally, please be aware: this assignment is due Wednesday of Week 9 by 11:30 p.m. and late submissions will NOT be accepted unless arrangements have been made with me personally and well before Week 7. Should you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

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Dissertation: The analysis paper will be based on a book that you will
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