
The analysis and conclusions you draw from the analysis

Task Details: A list of formulae and statistical tables will be provided.

Students should bring a 10 digit non-programmable calculator to the exam. No other supporting aids or materials will be permitted.


Assessment Type: Computer assignment - analysis and 1500 ± 10% word report - individual assessment

Purpose: To allow students to demonstrate an understanding of statistical analysis and the ability summarise and manipulate sample data, make basic statistical inferences and interpret the results in a business context. This assessment contributes to Learning Outcome a, b, c and d.

Topic: What do the figures mean?

Task Details: Students will be presented with a set of numerical data, and a business scenario.

From this you will need to present, summarise and manipulate sample data, make basic statistical inferences and interpret the results.

Preparatory Quizzes Before you begin your analysis and report, you need to do the Preparatory Quizzes to ensure you are familiar with the concepts and techniques involved. You may attempt the Quizzes as many times as you like - each new attempt will overwrite the previous attempt. Only the last attempts will be marked.

Presentation: The analysis and conclusions you draw from the analysis needs to be presented in a short report including all relevant analysis either as part of the report or as attachments referred to in appropriate sections of the report.

The report needs to be short report format - 1500 + 10% word report format -Word .doc or .docx

Title page, executive summary, table of contents, appropriate headings and sub-headings, recommendations, in-text referencing and reference list (Harvard -Anglia style), attachments.

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Basic Statistics: The analysis and conclusions you draw from the analysis
Reference No:- TGS02385580

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