
the ampltinputampgt tag is used to specify where

The <INPUT> tag is used to specify where user input is expected.  It has distinct attributes, of which the TYPE attribute is used to indicate the kind of input i.e. to be provided. The most common value of this attribute of the <INPUT> tag is TEXT. As illustrated in Figure every INPUT require a NAME. While the user types in his address (for instance 1234 ABC), this will become the input's value & be paired with NAME thus the end result after running it through the Mailto Formatter will be ADDRESS=1234 ABC.

We can, if we wish, type in a VALUE.


This will pair the value 44 XYZ with the name ADDRESS automatically, unless the user alters it. Take care to employ quotes as specified in the instance.

We can indicate the size of the text input box.


The default value is twenty. You already know that the default value is the value which the browser supposes if you have not told it otherwise.

Go ahead & remove VALUE="44 XYZ".

If we wish, we can indicate how several characters a user can input.

Experiment with this and attempt to input more than ten characters! The MAXLENGTH attribute is used to limit the number of characters to be entered in the textbox.


Alike to the TYPE=TEXT is the TYPE=PASSWORD. It is exactly the identical, except that for security it displays *** rather than the actual input. The text entered like a password would not be echoed on the page.  Thus you can employ this whenever you wish to accept a password or some other sensitive information from the user.


Remember that each <INPUT> should have a NAME which gives the name of the field.


The VALUE, SIZE and MAXLENGTH attribute work here also just as they do along TEXT

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PHP Web Programming: the ampltinputampgt tag is used to specify where
Reference No:- TGS0266801

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