The American Heart Association (AHA) has recommended the revised Jones Criteria as a guide for ARF diagnosis. The same have been approved by WHO study group for the diagnosis of initial attack of ARF (Table 1.1). The salient clinical features for the diagnosis of ARF are given in Fig. Revised Jones Criteria are (a) Major Criteria (b) Minor Criteria.
Table Revised Jones Criteria
Major Manifestations Minor Manifestations
Carditis A) Clinical findings
Polyarthritis - Arthralgia
Erythema marginaum - Fever
Subcutaneous nodules B) Laboratory findings
Chorea - Leucocoytosis
- Raised ESR
- Raised CRP
- Prolonged P-R Interval
Supporting Evidence of Antecedent GAS Infection such as positive throat culture or rapid streptococcal antigen test. Elevated or rising ASO or other streptococcal antibodies titre.