The aim of this assignment is encourage student to search for articles and/or material which will show theory of finance in action. That is, there is a clear link between the theory covered and that of the everyday world of finance. The journal requires you to gather a total of 4 articles covering up to and including week 9 lecture topics. One article on chapter 2 or 3, one article on chapter 4 or 5, one article on chapter 9 or 10 and one article on chapter 11 or 15. The articles are to be current and dated from December 2015. Newspaper articles, media news from radio or TV, magazine articles or news from quality internet sites are all acceptable sources. The review can include domestic as well as international market sources. When selecting your articles consider relevance to chapter theory and look for depth in the article. The review should cover a short summary or analysis of the text followed by the application of theory in context of the article. Remember, you are looking for ‘theory in action'. Your critical review should highlight the importance or significance of the article and as to why it was chosen. Your review should not be about summarising the article but to clearly outline your reflection of the theory in context of the article.
Topic 1: Modern financial system
Topic 2: Commercial Banks
Topic 3: Non-bank financial institutions
Topic 4: The Share Market and the Corporation
Topic 5: Corporations issuing equity in the share market
Topic 6: Foreign Exchange: the structure and operation of the FX market
Topic 7: Short term debt
Topic 8: Medium to long term debt