
The aim of this assessment is to demonstrate that you are

Assessment 1: Reflective Journal

The aim of this assessment is to demonstrate that you are able to reflect critically on your own learning using a set framework. You need to reflect on the unit content including the text, blackboard material, group discussions, activities and assessments. You will be asked to submit this reflective journal entry via CADMUS on Blackboard outlining what you have learnt and how this learning will impact on your future management and goals. Four entries are to be compiled into one document with a meaningful table of contents. Two of these entries must relate to the following topics: One reflection on teamwork in organisations and one reflection on communication in organisations. The other two entries must be on topics delivered in the unit BEFORE the due date of the assessment. Each entry will stand alone within the document (i.e. start a fresh page for each entry). Please follow the DIEP framework for the journal. This framework can be found on Blackboard under Assessments. Four entries will be completed to make up the journal as discussed above. Each entry is to be approximately 600 words (please indicate the word count after each entry) and focus on a specific part of your learning. Each entry MUST consist of a narrowed topic. You should not try to cover a whole topic in an entry. For example, if you choose to write about the evolution of management thinking, you would not write about all of the management theories, rather you would narrow to one aspect, such as Time and Motion studies. The ability to focus on a specific aspect and the quality of the reflection and the adherence to the DIEP framework will all impact on your assignment mark. Marking guide: All assignments in this unit use the University framework (see page 15) and there is a rubric on Blackboard under this Assessment title which clarifies how specific marks will be allocated for this assignment. You must follow the DIEP framework when writing the journal entry (i.e. answer each question/section). Your journal entry will be assessed against this framework, with the most important elements being evaluation and planning (i.e. these sections should be the majority of the entry content). Your mark will be derived from only two of the for entries. Nevertheless, please ensure that you adequately and consistently apply the DIEP framework across all four entries. NOTE: There is no safe level of similarity score when submitting assignments.

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Business Management: The aim of this assessment is to demonstrate that you are
Reference No:- TGS02869188

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