
the aim of the assignments is to test your

  • The aim of the assignments is to test your understanding of some of the key concepts in the material covered in the study modules, examine your ability to critically analyse a particular behavioural and organisational situation and to demonstrate how the concepts, ideas, suggestions, content, theory and research results can be applied in a practical situation.
  • A further objective of the assessment task is to draw you into questioning of the current organisational practice evident in the case and to facilitate reflection, self-awareness and a better (critical) understanding of others and yourself.
  • Don't be put off by the terms 'critically discuss' or 'develop a sound argument'. In simple terms, they involve the process of analysis. You might think that an essay is automatically about critical discussion. Unfortunately, over the years, many students don't quite understand what an analytical approach to assignment questions mean. Instead, they present an answer to an assignment question in very descriptive terms - that is, they just define terms and describe or repeat what the text and associated materials present. Every essay has an amount of description but the analytical aspect of essays is when you identify the issues in the material, the arguments and results that are apparent in the material and the differences of opinion expressed by various authors on the topic under discussion. You answer the question by presenting and analysing the 'facts' contained in the relevant material, and presenting an answer as a supported and logically presented argument - a critique. Your support comes from the authoritative references you present. I will say more about the issue of critical discussion on the discussion board
  • Don't close the textbook and think 'I will think about it'. You need to DO something after reading every module, chapter and article. What do you need to do now?
  • Get out your computer or your notebook. Start the assignment now. Map it out in the form of a structure. Then put into this structure that you create for this assignment, your notes from the material you have just read. Make notations on what is missing and what you need to do as soon as possible. Of course, the structure will follow closely the questions you have to answer.
  • Make sure you refer to the marking criteria sheet used for each assignment.
  • As far as the material is concerned, go back over the material on definitions and make notes. Identify what you see are the issues between the definition and the reality of describing the workplace pictured in the assignment.
  • With each module, we refer you to various materials. We supply the basics to support you in understanding the topics prescribed. You are also expected to seek out additional material and use it where appropriate.
  • You will have access to the Wiley internet site in relation to the text. The site address is set out within the preface of your text.
  • The word limit is always an issue. It acts as a guide to the quantity required. First impressions are that the requirements are significant. However, what generally happens is once students start to get their teeth into the essay, the word count becomes a limiting factor. Please do not go over the limit.
  • Students can get bogged down in the reading to a point where they believe they are reading too much and have lost the plot. There is a general amount of reading at the outset that is suggested in the study notes. This is to understand and absorb the thrust of each topic. These initial stages of reading promote general learning. You get to understand the concepts. You start to see how it does and can apply to your work specifically and to the organisation in general. Once you have achieved this general understanding, you then start to look at how you are going to approach the assignment questions. These questions are set to test your understanding of the key topic areas. Reading from this point is quite specific. You are looking for material to support your assignment and make your case.

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Business Management: the aim of the assignments is to test your
Reference No:- TGS0205613

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