
The aim of assessment is to deepen theoretical

Assessment - Training & Related Tasks

The aim of this assessment is to deepen theoretical understanding and practical skills in analysing, planning, designing, developing and evaluating a training session

The formal part of this assessment requires students to complete the training topics form by advising: your details; which cultural and/or logistical content you will cover; and in which country/culture/region.

Please note that the revised version of this form does not specify how many topics to choose. This is done intentionally to allow for you to make a decision on what would be reasonable given the time frame and content which interests you.

You can pick from any combination of content areas from the list or you can elect to choose just one. Students have a choice of running a 20-60 minute session and in that time they will likely choose to do one or two areas of content. It is certainly possible to do more however consider what would be a feasible quantity of content to cover given the time you have available and the duration of your activities.

If students during the process of their research decide to change or reduce their topic/s or country, then this is allowable. Should a student or group wish to make a change then they do not need to update their submitted training form. Simply advise which content and country you have selected in your training session plan (as per the below underlined task).

Perform a training needs analysis and submit the results

  • Students will develop a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) questionnaire to ensure that their training is learner focused. The TNA should utilise a variety of relevant qualitative and quantitative questions to explore information such as: learner needs, their interest in the topic, and the learners preferred methods of delivery/engagement
  • To assist with improving participation rates the TNA questionnaire should take participants no more than 10 minutes to complete.
  • In terms of participation rates, it is expected that you should receive at least ten responses from your peers
  • Students should distribute and collect responses to the TNA before beginning to design their training sessions
  • Students may choose to distribute their TNA via an online tool such as a Google Form. Provision of this link may best be done via the Discussion Board forum.
  • Students are encouraged to be supportive by reciprocating participation in the completion of the TNA's from their peers
  • A copy of the TNA questionnaire and the collated results (not individual) will need to be submitted prior to the group training session. The results should be collated, clear and concise. You are welcome to present the results in a word or PDF document. Graphs and tables would work really well in presenting some of the quantitative data. Responses to qualitative questions can be made into word clouds or a selection of quotes indicative of the sample can be presented instead. Review the Google Form video information and do some YouTube searching for inspiration on how you can report the results.

Develop a detailed training session plan

The session plan should contain at minimum, the following:

  • Topic title
  • Names and student ID's of student/s in your group (i.e. group members not participants)
  • Detailed description of the training including overview of sections/content to be covered
  • Date, time and location
  • Training session length
  • Target audience (here you need to set the context and consider who are you training? refer to the background and task information under the training topics form). As an example you might include: 'Business managers heading to Japan to live and work for six months who are tasked with recruiting local staff' or 'Technical specialists heading to China to setup a new IT system over a twelve month period''
  • Learning objectives (which are SMART and Performance, Standard, Condition focused) - refer to collaborate session 2.
  • Room layout
  • Resources required

Detailed overview of introduction, conclusion and each activity/engagement/collaboration exercise

  • What is involved in this activity/engagement/exercise?
  • Who will be running it?
  • What length of time is devoted to this?
  • What is the expected learning that will take place?
  • How, during the session, will learning be assessed?

Design a training session

Students are to design a training session however will not actually be required to facilitate the training. The length of the session should be between 20-60 minutes so be careful around how much content you choose to cover.

The key learning from this assessment will be in applying theory to practice and gaining knowledge relating to the process of designing a training session.

All members must participate in the research, design and development of the content and all students should participate equally in the preparation. Each team is responsible for their decision on the allocation of tasks

Students should prepare PowerPoint slides to accompany their training sessions however please note that the training sessions are distinct from a standard group presentation/lecture. The group training sessions should involve active learning techniques such as interaction/engagement/collaboration with the participants e.g. this could include asking the participants to respond to questions or undertaking an activity/task. A copy of the PowerPoint and any activities, worksheets, handouts will need to be submitted as part of the assessment.

The training sessions should be interesting and informative and should be designed on recommendations from their TNA. Furthermore, being a university unit, it is expected that students undertake a scholarly approach to the design of their session. Primarily, students will explore and use two bodies of literature. One body pertaining to the cross-cultural training of expatriates, and another body pertaining to learning and development theories/concepts/ideas. There are hundreds of peer-reviewed academic journal articles pertaining to each body of research. Whenever these bodies of research are used in your slides you will be required to provide an in-slide citation them. There are a few useful resources under the GBS Resource Bank tab which provide information on referencing requirements when citing such research. I have outlined the requirements to use research (and yes therefore cite it) in the marking rubric and the assessment 2 folder. A reference list should also be provided at the end of the PowerPoint slides.

Design a 'Participant Evaluation' form

Students will design a 'Participant Evaluation' form. This form is designed to encourage your hypothetical participants to critically evaluate elements of the training session that were effective as well as to provide suggestions for improvement. The form should be comprehensive and should utilise an excellent combination of highly relevant qualitative and quantitative questions.

It is expected that the form should take approximately 10 minutes for a participant to complete

The 'Participant Evaluation' form will need to be submitted as part of the overall assessment due date.

Complete the 'Training Session Reflection' form

Students will complete a 'Training Session Reflection' form.

This reflection template will be provided to you and is designed to encourage you to critically evaluate elements of the design of the session that were effective as well as to provide suggestions for improvement.

The reflections should be based on highly relevant personal reflections and academic literature. Scholarly references may be used for instance to identify areas of weaknesses in the training sessions but also to provide suggestions of future improvement.

The 'Training Session Reflection' form will need to be submitted as part of the overall assessment due date

Given that this is reflective document, this would be the final task that you should complete.

Students may choose to use Google Forms to collect information for the Group Training Session - Training Needs Analysis and Evaluations. This video provides a brief introduction into how to use Google Forms

A copy of the TNA questionnaire and the collated results (not individual) will need to be submitted prior to the group training session. The results should be collated, clear and concise. You are welcome to present the results in a word or PDF document. Graphs and tables would work really well in presenting some of the quantitative data. Responses to qualitative questions can be made into word clouds or a selection of quotes indicative of the sample can be presented instead. Review the Google Form video information and do some YouTube searching for inspiration on how you can report the results. If you have used Google Forms then the following ideas may be a starting point to assist to retrieve data:


  • Open your Google Form TNA
  • Click on 'Responses' then 'Summary'
  • Copy and paste the responses or screen shot graphs you want to use


  • Open your Google Form TNA
  • Click on 'Responses'
  • Click the green box with the white cross 'View Responses in Sheet' (This will open the Google Doc sheet where your results are being housed)
  • On the Google Doc Sheet click 'Form' then 'Show Summary of Responses'
  • Here you can print in a more user friendly way or you can publish the analytics

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Dissertation: The aim of assessment is to deepen theoretical
Reference No:- TGS02271599

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