
The aim is to increase your own knowledge in an area

Assessment Task - Research Report

The Task:

You will complete this task individually and discussions about possible topics will be held in the Google Community. Your topic should be an area that you have limited knowledge of and you'd like to learn about in further detail. The topic should be related to the History and/or Civics & Citizenship Learning Areas from the Victorian Curriculum documents (at the appropriate level/s i.e. primary content). You will be required to research and report on your learning about the topic.

The aim is to increase your own knowledge in an area related to history and society. Choose one area of inquiry from the curriculum documents and investigate this further. Use scholarly articles, journals, textbooks and websites to research and write a report on the content.

The report needs to include:

  • Background information: What happened, when, where, why? What was/is the issue?
  • Visuals to support e.g.: photos, charts, maps, timelines, etc.
  • Links to curriculum and various policy documents
  • Pedagogical Approach most suited to teaching this content
  • Annotated resources that would support teaching. This is not lesson plans. Resources include things like picture books or novels, useful websites or excursion venues, teacher organisations etc.

 You will be assessed using the following criteria:

  • Demonstrates depth of knowledge generated of the issue and discusses the known (or predicted) causes, impact and consequences on society.
  • Defines key concepts underpinning the topic and provides examples and the issue is explored from local and global perspectives
  • Annotated resources are justified, appropriate for audience and promote thought
  • Use of appropriate sources of visual representation data to support the key concepts &/ or argument e.g.: inclusion of charts, maps, concept maps, time-lines, use of primary data sources (e.g. diaries, images, field notes)

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Dissertation: The aim is to increase your own knowledge in an area
Reference No:- TGS01557539

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