
The affordable care act is unfolding as scheduled in 2010

Sub System - Goverment

How to organize the Essay: 1) Introduction Briefly describe the subsystem. Why is it important? Be specific. 2) Problem Describe a significant problem in this subsystem. 3) Impact Who is most impacted by the problem? 4) Conclusion What is needed to lessen the problem?

2. Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act is unfolding as scheduled. In 2010 and 2011 the Act kicked off with a number of initiatives. Prepare a short speech for delivery to the Friends of the Friendless, a popular student organization at CSUN. Double space your paper.

1) What needs do the Affordable Care Act purport to meet for individuals, families, employers and communities?

2) What two key initiatives in the Act went into effect in 2010 and what two in 2011. You decide which initiatives are key. Describe each and explain why they are important. What impact are they having so far?

3) The Act mandates that everyone in the nation have health insurance. As far as you are concerned is mandating coverage a good or bad idea? Pick one side or the other for your answer.

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Reference No:- TGS0653501

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