
The ability to recover from tragedy the guarantee of these

Local governments should have a voice in establishing the minimum standards and levels of preparedness but this should be in cooperation with federal standards and guidelines. For one, the local governments are far more capable of understanding the unique resources and risks that are within the jurisdiction of their care. The local governments intimately understand the needs of the infrastructure both existing and planned in their state, city or county. In a time of crisis, such as a terrorist attack, the local government will be the managing entity over local law enforcement, emergency services, environmental and medical services. Local government will be responsible for local leadership, coordination and the spending of both local funds and funds provided by federal grants to prepare for the local response to support the citizens in their area. While the big ideas such as standards, recommendations and expectations may come from a federal level, tied to federal funds, the critical planning and communication are the responsibility of the local government. The duty of the local government is to meet these expectations.

What purpose of government is more important than protecting its citizens and the inalienable rights of its citizens for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Within the founding principles of the United States is that the role of government is to protect the rights of its citizens and that mankind was endowed by God with these rights. Of course, there is a balancing act of funding to support these safety protections and preparations. That balancing takes place at the expense of other government services and should not be at the expense of safety and preparation. If other services have to be limited to fulfill the duty of security, that is a sacrifice to be made. The answer is not to take on additional debt so we can "have our cake and eat it to." One of the founding principles speaks to the burden of debt being as destructive to human freedom as subjugation by conquest. Safety should come first and with a safe environment, organic growth will occur opening up opportunities for other services. The government is entrusted to protect the rights and liberties of its citizens and without safety or the ability to recover from tragedy, the guarantee of these rights is weakened beyond acceptability.

The citizen has a responsibility as well and should not depend entirely on the government for the protection of their home, family and community. While the local government does have a responsibility to respond to future and active threats, good citizenship should include staying engaged and vigilant. Local governments should tap into community programs and prepare their populations to recognize threats and know how to properly respond to them. Church groups, high schools and college campuses, large employers and civic centers can be used to advertise, educate and enlist citizens to be knowledgeable about potential threats. The likelihood that someone will identify and disrupt the next 9/11 is a bit of a long shot but a more realistic approach to creating safe communities and cities could include so many other objectives. Recognizing gang activity, learning firearm safety and accuracy, identifying and reporting local crimes and recognizing signs of abuse are all ways local government can improve the safety of their communities with very little investment. Local crime such as gangs, theft and violence corrupts the moral fiber of a community. One of the founding principles of the United States is that a strong republic depends on a morally strong people. Bringing this information to their citizens and providing memorable contact numbers and reference information so they know how to properly report situations. Leveraging social media to highlight these accomplishments will also build on the success. A founding principle of the United States is that a strong local self-government is the keystone to preserving human freedom. Trusting in many resources with a common goal and capitalizing on individual talents will strengthen the safety of everyone. In addition, another founding principle that is that a free people will not survive unless they stay strong. Educating, training and preparing citizens to be part of the solution is the solution.

In conclusion, the government does have a duty to avoid be negligent in the safety of its citizens. It should be their top priority and, if needed, at the sacrifice of other funded programs. Through established standards, the local governments don't have to reinvent the wheel on what needs to be accomplished and with their unique knowledge of their counties, cities and communities they are the best resource to recognize where the needs are at. Finally, able and capable citizens should be expected to take part in this effort and should be provided the opportunity to contribute to the safety and well-being of their community.

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Dissertation: The ability to recover from tragedy the guarantee of these
Reference No:- TGS02386176

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