The Segway two-wheeled-self-balancing electric vehicle invented by Dean Kamen and used for short distance personnel transportation reportedly travels at 12.5 mph. The vehicle is controlled and powered with computers and electric motors. Lean forward, you move forward. Lean back and you go backward. Lean the handlebars to the left or right and you turn in that direction-see for a video. When you need to brake, the motor acts as a dynamometer. Review the design of the Segway and address the question as to whether the Segway® conceptually is a "reasonable safe design" using the following categories:
(a) The usefulness and desirability of the product
(b) The availability of other and safer products to meet the same or similar needs
(c) The likelihood of injury and its probable seriousness
(d) The obviousness of the danger
(e) Common knowledge and normal public expectation of the danger (particularly for established products)
(f) The avoidability of injury by care in use of the product (including the effect of instructions and warnings)
(g) The ability to eliminate the danger without seriously impairing the usefulness of the product or making it unduly expensive