
The abaya is a long draping robe worn over muslim womens


a) History of Abaya and what is Abaya

The Abaya is a long, draping robe worn over Muslim women's clothing particularly in the Arab Gulf states. It is worn once these women are away from home or outside their home. It covers everything from the neck to the feet and will also cover the wearer's shoes from view, with sleeves that extend to the wrists. The Abaya is traditionally black in color.

Islamic veiling takes many forms, though the Abaya is the most popular form veiling throughout the Arab Gulf states.

The abaya is one particular expression of Islamic veiling among many, and it is particularly functional as a veiling practice when following the more conservative interpretations of Islamic law prevalent within the Arab Gulf states. As a result, it has become the predominant form of female clothing for Arab Gulf state nationals. Hadith are used to reinforce this popularity, purportedly tracing abaya-like veils back to the prophet Muhammad's time.


Saudi Arabia has the strictest policy toward veiling, in keeping with its Wahhabi religious police, effectively requiring women in most regions of the country to wear an abaya in public spaces (Ambah). Other countries, such as the United Arab Emirates and Qatar, do not require women to wear the abaya, although it is the official national dress and women are encouraged to dress conservatively (Sharp).


The necessity for veiling in Islamic law are derived from two main sources, the Qur'an (the Islamic holy book) and the hadith, anecdotes of how Islam's prophet Muhammad.


The rise of the Abaya can be tied to Globalization. As signs of Globalization emerged in the (due to things like immigration and technology), there was an attempt to preserve traditional customs. The Arab Gulf states have reacted quickly to maintain aspects of the traditional customs 10 and values of their culture in the face of globalization. The most visible of these customs is the implementation of national dress, including the abaya.


Today, the Abaya is viewed as a religious symbol and cultural expression for women in the Gulf States. It ties these women to the region and makes them feel a sense of religious pride or integrity.

Wearing the abaya defines women in the region as the region as a symbol of religious integrity and national identity, and yet women in this incredibly wealthy, rapidly changing region cannot themselves avoid the influence of globalization. The abaya owes its rise as the female dress of choice in part as a defense against the effects of globalization, but it too is changing in response to global trends in fashion.


Now emerging the abya-as-fashion. This abaya can be individualized and will reflect certain fashion trends while maintaining the traditional physical requirements of modesty.

b) Problem statement:

The abaya is required wearing for Muslim women yet most women express various types of thermal discomfort with the current abya.

The outcome of the research confirms that wearing of abayas causes discomfort in hot environments.

It absorbs most of the heat from sunlight in a hot climate, as it is black, it tends to make the wearer very uncomfortable. In addition, multiple layers of clothing worn underneath the abaya increase thermal stress.


Unlike many other industries such as the athletic industry, adequate research and consideration for the wearer has not gone into the making of the abaya to ensure that they are more comfortable. Additionally, as the abaya-as-fashion trend emerges and designers such as Dolce Gabana (as seen recently) start to enter into this untapped and lucrative market, it is important to understand this consumer problem that faces the abaya wearer and the needs of the fashion forwards Muslim consumer.

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Other Subject: The abaya is a long draping robe worn over muslim womens
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