
The 6-8 page research paper must be professionally

Final Paper - The 6-8 page research paper must be professionally composed with a cover page and a reference page. The cover and reference pages cannot be counted towards the number page requirement. The topic will include any one employment practice within your organization that you believe needs to be reevaluated and implemented. This term paper should include at least three solutions or recommendations with plenty of supporting information and documentation. You will need at least three references. Some topic examples include the selection process, application process, screening process, etc. The topic may also include an area in staffing that is currently not in place but, you would like to implement within your organization. Now my topic that was approved by my professor is employee retention in retail. It seems that there is a struggle for employees who are cashiers to stay longer in their work vs. managers. One is because the long hours, other factors are that the pay is not competitive and they are underpaid. Most part time employees do not receive health benefits or discretionary benefits thus they leave the job. I don't know where to search for this, or where to start. I appreciate the help.

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Business Management: The 6-8 page research paper must be professionally
Reference No:- TGS0961528

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