The 1099 software development employees records do not

Can anybody help with this

  • The 1099 software development employees' records do not include or calculate any taxes
  • The program properly handles and informs the user about errors on user input
  • The program demonstrates in the code the use of references types
  • The program displays on the console all the software developers' data, monthly pay, monthly taxes, annual gross pay, annual taxes, and net pay

Using Visual Studio® and C# programming concepts, write a program to meet the specifications of the company's request. The program should have the following characteristics:

  • Compile and Execute without errors
  • Meets specifications by displaying on the console a welcome message along with the following information on three software developers:Software developer name
  • Address
  • Gross monthly pay
  • Annual gross pay
  • Employee type: W2/1099
  • Monthly and annual taxes determined by employee type
  • Logic flow is clear, concise, and effective; demonstrates exception handling routines and reference types by catching and displaying user data entry errors and implementing reference types as part of the code
  • User inputs and outputs should be clear on screen
  • Validation for input types and data format
  • Appropriate indentation to logically illustrate program structure
  • Identifiers logically describe use
  • Naming conventions are consistent
  • Comments and headers to explain processing that is not obvious

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Basic Computer Science: The 1099 software development employees records do not
Reference No:- TGS02653246

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