
Text as image-language as art

Text as Image/Language as Art

Project instructions:

Research Assignment: Text as Image/Language as Art

- Find 10 artists who use Text in their practice and document one work by each artist.

Glue an image of each work in your notebook

You must note the artist?s name, year, title of the work, dimensions and any other specific information particularly around material handling and process. Write 2-4 sentences on how material and process relate to concept. Treat this as research and note your source with each image using proper MLA bibliographic formatting [MLA rules https://extend.unb.ca/wss/mlatext.htm.].

USE AT LEAST 3 DIFFERENT KINDS OF SOURCES (exhibitions, exhibition catalogues, magazines, books, internet, etc.)

Select 10 words from a song (or songs) that you like. Each word must begin with a different letter.

Draw each word by hand, using a different typeface/font/style/stencil

Experiment with size, letter spacing, kerning, bold, italic

Draw the letters of each word no smaller than 1 in./2.5 cm.

Each word should be on one page in your notebook

Think about composition, repetition, omission, transparency, colour, etc.

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Other Subject: Text as image-language as art
Reference No:- TGS01437556

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