Problem 1. Consider your example, "For instance, if we want to compare student grades of public universities to private universities, we would look at independent grade samples of public universities and private universities - yes, or we could create dependent grade samples from the public versus the private university.
It is not the initial population that determines if the final samples are dependent or independent. The initial samples can come from the same population and our final samples be either independent or dependent.
For example, consider the population of realtors a Sample A is 10 public universities. Sample B is 13 public universities. We have standardized test ZZZ with 42 questions to give to each school.
Please explain:
a) How do we Test the mean difference in scores for public versus private universities (as independent samples)
b) How do we test the mean difference in scores for public versus private universities (as dependent samples?)
Problem 2. If we are testing the mean running time on 100 yards of a group of 10 parents versus the mean running time of a group of 10 of their children, the samples are independent if we test the mean time of parent group versus mean time of the children group. What is necessary to make the samples dependent?
Repeat for the "before, after", "inches of rain, tree growth"
Problem 3. Consider the survey question:
Do information technology people get the respect they deserve? Ans: Yes or No.
Examine the question and what are your comments?
Problem 4. Now why must a STOH always have a null and an alternative hypothesis?