
Test plan for the new password reset process

Software testing – New Password Reset Process

Assignment: Test Plan

Students must prepare a comprehensive Test Plan for the “New Password Reset Process” that is being developed by the University for the MU Portal. Because of the sensitivity of the application, the code is not being made available.

The new process includes the following:

1. To ensure a new password is more than 8 character, includes an uppercase letter,  a number, and a special character

2. To validate that the user ID is a current student

3. To require the student to answer a question from a pool of 5 previously answered questions

4. To require the user to change the password every semester and not to reuse a previously used password

5. To include a CAPCHA to ensure the password reset is not an automated request from a hacker

6. To provide a link to the function whenever the user  clicks on the Reset Password on the MU Portal

The Test Plan for the Password Reset Process application must be in full compliance with all the requirements listed below. You will be provided with the complete executable code but not the code. Since the application is small, there is no unit testing involved, the program must be however tested as part of the MU portal.

The document should include:

1. Title Page

2. Table of Contents.

3. Test Scope

4. Test Objectives

5. Process Overview

6. Testing Process

7. Testing Strategy

8. Entry and Exit Criteria

9. Bug Tracking/Bug Process

10. Roles and responsibilities

11. Test schedule and resources

12. Deliverables

13. Communications Plan

14. References

You can assume the Product manager is Mark, ITS Executive Director and the Quality Assurance Manager is John. The final acceptance test will be performed by the ITS Support Team.  You are the only person on the formal  test team as the application is very small.

The document should include at least  four test types (e.g., unit testing which doe not apply in this case).


Your report will be evaluated in each of the following ways:

1. Your test plan must be comprehensive and cover all of the functionality of the application and the content must be at least 5,000 words  (excluding the title page, table of contents, and  references).

2. Your test plan must be clear and complete and must be detailed enough for sign-off by the ITS staff.

3. The plan must be written in complete sentences and be grammatically correct in the third person.

4. You have the flexibility to “design” the document (e.g., typeface, font size, but your style must be consistent throughout the entire document and must be readable by technical and non-technical people.

5. Your submission must be timely in terms of the deadline given on Blackboard.

6. You should spellcheck all parts of the document and auto-generate the table of contents. ..

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