Audio Amplifier (Multistage)
Audio Amplifier Power Output selection: 3.2 W, 5.6 W, 7.1 W, 8.4 W, 11.5 W, and 16.3 W
Audio Amplifier Input Voltage (peak) selection: 150mVpeak, 200mVpeak, 250mVpeak
Audio Frequency: 20 Hz - 20 KHz
Choose 1 power output and 1 input....Use Multisim
Test an Audio Amplifier which delivers one of the above power outputs to an 8? speaker load. The audio frequency range is between 20 Hz to 20 KHz, so the operating frequency of your design will be within this range. The measuring equipment should display the output power and the input signal of your design. You are required to use either or both NPN and PNP transistors, but not an op-amp. It is recommended that you use multistage amplification of any class amplifiers of your choice.