
tertiary preventionin tertiary prevention

Tertiary Prevention:

In tertiary prevention, emphasis is placed on reducing disability resulting from illness. Tertiary prevention often means long term care. Disability may result from hospitalization and nurse must make every effort to preserve the hospitalized client's identify and self-esteem.  

Programmes in  the mental hospital should aim at prevention of chronicity by helping in initiating treatment of  the fundamental illness in all admitted patients and plea for early discharge. Family members should be involved actively in the treatment programme so that effective follow  up can be  ensured. 

Occupational and recreational activities should be organized in the hospital so that idling is prevented. 

Community Based Programmes:

Community based programme can be launched through meeting with  the family members, when  the need for discharge from the hospital should be emphasized. These programmes can be implemented through day hospital, night hospital after- care clinics, half-way homes, ex-patient hostels, foster care homes, etc. Follow up  care can be handed over to the community health nurses. There should be constant communication between the community health nurses and the mental health institution regarding the follow up of  the discharged patient. The ultimate aim of the hospital and community based programmes is to resocialize and remotivate the patient for a functional role in the community, consistent with his/ her resources.  

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Biology: tertiary preventionin tertiary prevention
Reference No:- TGS0176401

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