
Terrorist attacks have been focused on commercial aviation

1. President Barrack Obama's remark "We dodged a bullet" was referring to

A. the Times Square Bomber.

B. the plan to bomb the NYC subway system.

C. the Christmas Day bomber.

D. the plan to fly drones laden with explosives into the Capitol and Pentagon.

2. With the evolution of homeland security protection strategies since 9/11, it is believed that focusing increased resources on the protection of individual key resources may be a mistake because

A. key resources are vital to the United States.

B. critical infrastructures are themselves interconnected and interdependent.

C. the links between key resources are less important than the facilities themselves.

D. critical infrastructures stand alone and are more deserving of protective resources.

3. Of the seven definitions of Homeland Security reported by Bellavita, practitioners who were graduates of the Naval Postgraduate School's homeland security master's degree program most often defined the term "homeland security" as

A. based on an all-hazards approach.

B. focused on terrorism.

C. the lynchpin of modern National Security.

D. blending elements of all other definitions or did not define the term.

4. Terrorist attacks have been focused on commercial aviation since the 1970s. A number of significant international conventions related to terrorism have been developed over the last sixty years. All of the following treaties deal with international terrorism and the hijacking of aircraft, except:

A. International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism (1999).

B. Hague Convention (1970).

C. Hostages Convention (1979).

D. Montreal Convention (1971).

5. The shift from interstate to intrastate war reflects how

A. transnational crimes finance terrorist organizations.

B. WMEs pose the greatest threat to nation states.

C. patterns of conflict have changed since the end of the Cold War.

D. the Army released a revised GWOT field manual.

6. "The United States, through a concerted national effort... will work to achieve a secure Homeland that sustains our way of life as a free, prosperous, and welcoming America." This is the Homeland Security Vision as expressed in the

A. National Response Framework.

B. National Strategy for Homeland Security.

C. HSPD - 7.

D. National Infrastructure Protection Plan.

7. Bergen and Hoffman identify all of the following as potential future terrorist targets, except

A. Israeli/Jewish targets.

B. commercial aviation.

C. American hotel chains.

D. U.S. Embassies abroad.

8. In the "wave" theory of terrorism, a group that has sought to "realize a utopian vision of a radically perfected society on the local level" is an example of a

A. Fifth Wave group.

B. Second Wave group.

C. Fourth Wave group.

D. Third Wave group.

9. SCADA systems are particularly vulnerable because

A. they never require human interaction.

B. they were initially designed to maximize functionality, not security.

C. the computer systems used are all connected to the Internet.

D. the systems are completely independent and therefore vulnerable to hacker attacks.

10. Bioterrorism is considered by many experts to be a very likely WME to be deployed because of: the number of unemployed bio-warfare scientists available for hire; the variety of bacteria and viruses that can be weaponized that is provided in ample quantities by nature; there exists substantial vulnerabilities in our food and agriculture infrastructures; and

A. ricin can readily be manufactured from the common castor bean.

B. bioweapons are beyond the response capability of the U.S. homeland security apparatus.

C. most virulent viruses and bacteria can be transported without any special precautions.

D. none of the above.

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Business Law and Ethics: Terrorist attacks have been focused on commercial aviation
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