Q1. The final tensile strength of a material was tested by using 10 samples.
The outcomes of the tests were as shown below:
711 N mm–2, 732 N mm–2, 759 N mm–2, 670 N mm–2, 701 N mm–2, 765 N mm–2, 743 N mm–2, 755 N mm–2, 715 N mm–2, 713 N mm–2.
a) Find out the mean and standard deviation of such results.
b) Express the values found in (a) in the GPa.
Q2. The component shown below is to be produced in the batches of 1000.

a) State three main categorizations of castings by which the component could be produced.
b) Describe how each of these methods will influence the properties of the components produced (consider material and non-material properties example: cost)
c) Name the methods which you have stated in (a) would you propose?
Give reasons to support your answer.