
temporary partial disability - injury from an

Temporary Partial Disability - Injury from an Accident

Such types of injuries which are easily recoverable and may not incapacitate the victim to perform duty apart from for a few hours are regarded as temporary or partial disability. Though not legal yet several times the worker himself decides not to report such disability for fear of increased insurance premium. Often the supervisor does not record such disability lest it may come up for compensation. Expecting full recovery in very short time the employee gives up a few hours of working and may settle to lose wages. Though, laws are clear in several cases that such temporary disability must be recorded and cause duly assessed so that accident does not recur.

Temporary Total Disability

Disability is total if employee is not capable to perform work but it is temporary since the employee would recover after a few days. Several compensation cases fall in this group.

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Biology: temporary partial disability - injury from an
Reference No:- TGS0182191

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