Tell us about a virus you have researched

Problem: Pick a virus, then tell us about the virus.

In the initial post, tell us about a virus you've researched. Tell us the name, classification information if you can find it, what type of organism it infects, and something about how it affects the host organism or something about the virus life cycle. Cite your research - give us links to the reputable sources* you learned from. We will likely hear a lot about viruses that infect humans, but I encourage you to look at viruses that infect other organisms!

*What is a reputable source? It's something we can trust. Resources that anyone can edit (wikipedia, most of the internet) may not have accurate information. Scientific journals are a great place to go for information (I like Google Scholar, Pubmed, and JSTOR for finding biology research)- these are peer-reviewed, mostly primary literature. News agencies, universities, and government entities should also have reputable information



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Biology: Tell us about a virus you have researched
Reference No:- TGS03418251

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