
Tell me something which happened to the tazmanian

1. Tell me something, which happened to the Tazmanian aborigines in the first video, The Nature of Anthropology. (Video, short answer)

2. In the second video, The Nature of Culture, culture allows us to flourish, is the blueprint for ideas and is responsible for many patterns of behavior. Describe a few areas of life that culture affects according to the video (Video, short answer).

3. In the video, How Cultures are Studied, cultural anthropologist, Napoleon Chagnon carried out an ethnographic study of the Yanomamo of Venezuela. What are some techniques he used to conduct this study? (Try to use terms you learned from your book, Video, short answer)

4. List some forms of nonverbal communication demonstrated in the video, Language and Communication. (Video, list)

5. The video, Psychological Anthropology, deals with many cultural solutions to either social crisis or disease. List one culture’s way of dealing with this issue. (Video, short answer)

6. Tell me one important anthropological idea you learned in the video, Alejandro Mamani: A Case Study in Psychological Anthropology (Video, short answer)

7. What was one of the main messages in the video series, Patterns of Subsistence: Food Foragers & Pastoralists? (video, short answer)

8. Name one of the societies shown in the video series, Patterns of Subsistence: The Food Producers and tell me one detail about their food production. (video, list)

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