Answer these questions please
1: Tell me about ancient Greek Economic thought with respect to:
1) Markets vs. the household 2) Value and Wealth 3) Private Property
2: What is the nature of the revolution that Heilbroner talks about in his Chapter “The Econoimc Revolution”?
3: What Role did the mercantilists see for the state in the economy?
4: What were the cornerstones of mercantilist thought and how were they different from what came before them?
5: Where does wealth come in the physiocrats' system and how is it different from the Mercantilists ideas about wealth?
6: In what ways do the ideas of the Mercantilists and the Physiocrats reflect the societies in which they wrote?
7: What are the tenants (or laws, principles etc.) of Classical political Economy?
8: Explain the specie flow mechanism of David Hume.
9: Explain the importance of “the invisible hand” in Adam Smith's The Theory of Moral Sentiments.
10: Describe Adam Smith's theory of Value. What is the Nature of the relation between value and price? In Smith's system what does the price of commodities resolve into?