
Tell about a time in your life when you had a backlog of

Directions: Answer the following problems thoroughly & completely; each response should include the correct use of the vocabulary word, should show your complete understanding of the word, & should be a paragraph long in order to earn full credit. You may use your part/function packet, your vocabulary textbook, or the dictionary to complete this test.

1. Tell about a time in your life when you had a BACKLOG of work. What kind of work did you have? What caused you to be in that position? Find an image that depicts what your BACKLOG of work looked like.

2. Tell about someone who has BRAINWASHED a group of people. What did this person BRAINWASH the group of people into believing? What happened as a result of the people becoming BRAINWASHED?

3. Find an image that depicts DOWNCAST. Explain how this image depicts the definition of DOWNCAST. Then describe a time in your life when you have felt DOWNCAST. What caused you to feel this way?

4. Find an image that depicts DOWNTURN. Explain how this image depicts the definition of DOWNTURN. Then talk about THREE ways the DOWNTURN of the American economy in 2008-2010 effected you personally.

5. Discuss an historical figure who was able to FORESEE how an idea or an event would impact our society today. Explain specifically what actions they took because of their FORESIGHT.

6. Discuss three INSIGHTS you have discovered this semester. How will these INSIGHTFUL discoveries impact your life?

7. What is an IRONCLAD agreement you have made in your life? Why did you make this agreement? What happened as a result?

8. Find an image that depicts OUTRAGE. Explain how this image demonstrates the definition of OUTRAGE. When is a time you have felt OUTRAGED? Explain why you had these OUTRAGEOUS feelings.

9. Who is the most stringent TASKMASTER you personally know? Explain three situations that show how this person is aTASKMASTER.

10. Talk about someone in your life who you know personally who has been a TRAILBLAZER. What makes this person such a TRAILBLAZER? What three specific things has this person done that demonstrate how he/she is a TRAILBLAZER?

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Dissertation: Tell about a time in your life when you had a backlog of
Reference No:- TGS01395862

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