
Technomanagerial approaches to dealing with climate-change

Problem: While climate-change policy-making initially emerged as a possible transformative opportunity to reach the most vulnerable, assessments have shown that, as conceived within the donor-recipient culture, they privilege Western scientific understandings of climate change over local knowledge and pursue technomanagerial approaches to dealing with climate-change effects that fail to consider the intersectionality of factors that produce context-specific vulnerabilities. Although discrete cases of indigenous knowledge are recognized during LAPA1 preparation, there is no recognition of the multiple knowledge systems, institutions and worldviews in which they are embedded. Everyday Reality Humla, a northwestern district of Nepal, was dry when I visited in the spring of 2016. Drought is not unusual in this food-insecure mountain region. However, Ram Dai2 believed this was the driest it had been in the last forty plus years of his life. He pointed to the fields with plants struggling to emerge from the dry soil and repeated his worrying observation as if he could not get it out of his mind. Dai and I were walking to his village, a few hours of downhill hiking from Simikot, the district head- quarters, and across the raging Karnali River. Could you write an annotation using this article?

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Reference No:- TGS03430546

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