Create a 8 page and use APA format:
Select an educational site such as a PreK-12 school district, university, or corporate training center. Write a comprehensive proposal that includes technology-related recommendations based on evaluation data collected for the previous year.
• The data includes several forms of assessments that indicate different types of student achievement categories and the success of technology usage among all staff.
• Present your data in organized fashion with charts, tables, and lists of statistics describing student achievement and the amount of technology integration within each program.
• The data should indicate positive or neutral links between technology use and academic achievement and/or staff productivity.
• Your recommendations should include better use of existing technology, projected purchases over a 5-year period, future and long-range staff development, and the incorporation of newer or upgraded technologies into various programs.
• Your data should also include how the current technology is beneficial. The emphasis here is on different programs within one larger institution.
• Your recommendations should connect with the organization's strategic plan, the institutions comprehensive technology plan, and other possible operational planning programs already in place to upgrade or introduce new programs