
Technology and new media are playing an increasingly large

Essay 3: Technology and Society

Essay Prompt

Technology and new media are playing an increasingly large role in our lives. From tablets and iPhones to Facebook and Snapchat, technological innovations are changing the way we interact, work, study, relax and negotiate public spaces.

For your 3rd paper you will choose one piece of technology (or new media phenomenon) and analyze the impact that piece of technology has made on society. Papers should be 5-7 pages in length, 12 pt. Times New Roman font.

The paper should include a Work Cited page. The Work Cited Page IS NOT INCLUDED in your total page count.

Your paper should be written in MLA format and will need to include:

1) An original thesis statement making an argument about your piece of technology. Your thesis could address any one of the following questions (or a combination of two):

How has/will this technology affect human relationships? Is it helping bring people together or is it pushing people apart? Is there a way in which this technology lessens the “quality” of interactions we have with one another?U.S. residents have some of the highest levels of stress of any nation in the world. Is this piece of technology increasing the amount of stress in our everyday lives or lessening it? In what ways might this technology affect stress levels?Has this technology affected the experience of U.S. undergraduates? If so, in what ways?How has/will this technology affect global politics or economics?Does this technology widen or diminish race/class/gender inequalities? If so, in what ways? Who has or does not have access to this new technology?How has this technology reduced or increased the amount of privacy we have over our personal information? What role should the government play in regulating information availability?

2) Evidence drawn from at least 3 sources to support/contradict your Argument. You must include in your sources at least: 1 In-Class reading, 1 Library Database article and 1 “pop” science article (from a Science Magazine or Website).

REMEMBER: This is not JUST an essay about what YOU think about this subject, you want to also use the parts of other writer’s arguments (from in-class reading assignments/outside sources) to support what you are saying.  

Example of how to "use" outside support:

“I feel (insert your opinion) about (insert subject) because it is (example). In his essay, “(Insert Title)” written by  (Insert Author), he also argues (insert example and opinion of Author to help support your argument and make it clear that other people are writing about your subject, too.)”

Possible technologies for study include:

Music Sites (Apple Music, Tidal, Spotify)Cell PhonesText messagingWebsites like Wikipedia, Facebook/Instagram or YouTubeBlogging/social media appsInnovative Medical Technologies (like hearing aids, plastic surgery or lasik eye surgery)Video Games (or a specific video game) Instant Messaging

Essay Criteria

Thesis: Demonstrates clear purpose, complexity and originality; raises issue to be discussed and offers a direct statement of writer’s position; previews the structure of the essay.

Supporting Evidence: Provides logical support for the claims made by the thesis; uses compelling sources and forms of argumentative appeal; effectively counters opposing arguments.

Types of Resources/Use of Resources: Includes at least 3 resources

Organization: Sequence of material supports the thesis and purpose; shows connections between ideas; demonstrates writer’s control over organizational patterns of information.

Style/Tone: Uses language with control, elegance and imagination to suit the essay’s purpose; maintains consistent, distinctive voice throughout the essay.

Mechanics: Uses grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax that are appropriate for standard written English; demonstrates careful attention to proofreading

Conclusion: Briefly reviews but does more than simply restate the thesis; adds new insight to the thesis in light of the evidence used.

References: Includes a reference page citing all sources in proper APA format.

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