Question 1: Why should HR managers check demographic trends (like composition, race, age, sex, education and so on)?
Question 2: How do economic cycles impact the HR function? Give an illustration of the HR policy that takes variations in the economy to account.
Question 3: What do you mean by the term diversity and what are the main reasons that have made it a challenge for the today’s organizations?
Question 4: Outline the main characteristics of the diversity.
Question 5: How diversity is managed? Give some suggestions at both the individual and organizational levels.
Question 6: What factors affect personnel environment in your country? Describe their implications.
Question 7: Describe the current state of personnel function in organizational context with special reference to the strategy, structure and systems of HR.
Question 8: Describe the relationship between technology and HR strategies and activities. What can HR managers do to grapple with economic challenges and technological improvements?