
technological development is taking place at a

Technological development is taking place at a very fast rate in all the fields like mechanical metalluringical chemical electrical and civil. These days every man is surrounded by automobiles trains aeroplanes explosives noise and air pollution etc, which may cause accidents. The danger of life of human being is increasing with the advancement of scientific developments in different fields. The importance of industrial safety was realized because every year millions of industrial ascendants occur which result in either death or in temporary disablement or permanent disablement of the employees and involves large amount of loss resulting from damage to property and wasted man hours and machine hours.

Now a days serious attention is being paid to reduce the rate and severity of accident. Safety rules have been devised for each and every field to safeguard the interest of society. Hazard control and accident prevention have been considered as a basic need. Health and safety are basic desire and instinct. We believe in concept of safety, human protection and protection of nature. The benefits of accident prevention have been well understood and accepted by industries throughout the world.

Industrial safety is mainly concerned with minimizing hazards in the industries. Hazard is a state physical or chemical having potential to injure the person or impairment of health. Risk or danger arises out of hazards.

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Business Economics: technological development is taking place at a
Reference No:- TGS0205410

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