
Technological advancements in the healthcare industry are

Technological Trends in Behavioral Health

Technological advancements in the healthcare industry are usually associated with improvements in diagnostic machines such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans. However, in behavioral health, one of the more important technological advancements is in the documentation and reporting systems used in the treatment of patients diagnosed with chronic mental illness. Other information technology advancements such as the use of the Internet have also had a significant impact on behavioral health services. Read the following article from the EBSCO host database:

  • Ahr, P. (2005, January). Community mental health principles: A 40-year case study. Behavioral Health Management, 25(1), 15-17.

There are several topics mentioned in this article that have had or may have an impact on behavioral health services.

Choose an issue mentioned in this article and research at least two other articles (not more than two years old) that discuss these issues as they pertain to behavioral health services. Use the following questions as a guide when developing your essay on the issue:

  • Explain in detail the issue as it pertains to healthcare in general and behavioral health services in specific.
  • What was the impact on behavioral health services?
  • What are some of the financial, privacy, or ethical issues that you perceived from this issue?

Understanding Behavioral Health Services

The key to understanding behavioral health services is understanding the requirements of the individuals served. The types of services provided are primarily based on the diagnosis given. Although the diagnostic procedure is complex, it is based on a uniform classification system published in the DSM-IV-TR® Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: Text revision. (4th ed.). (1994). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Association.

Search the Internet using key words "BehaveNet® Clinical CapsuleTM: DSM-IV-TR Classification." Using the information provided on the Web page, research and read about any disorder of your choice.

Also, search the Internet to find articles discussing the current issues regarding this disorder.

Based on the information you collected from the Internet and using your text and course readings, summarize your findings. Your findings should include the following pointers:

  • Briefly describe the disorder, primary symptoms, and recommended psychopharmacological treatment if any.
  • How has this particular disorder been affected by the changes in behavioral health services over the past few decades? Provide a rationale for your reply.
  • Have the current developments in the behavioral healthcare industry brought in any change in the treatment or type of services provided for this disorder? If yes, how? If no, why? What more can be done to improve the facilities provided to individuals suffering from this disorder?

Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

Perceptions of Mental Illness

Part of the challenge faced by the behavioral healthcare industry is due to the general perception of mental illness. Over the last few decades, some of the stigma associated with mental illness has changed while some still persist.

Respond to the following questions:

  • What are your perceptions of mental illness and behavioral health services?
  • Based on what you have learned from your course readings and research articles for this week, do you think your perception has changed? How?

Justify your answers with appropriate research and reasoning.

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Other Subject: Technological advancements in the healthcare industry are
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