
Techniques of financial analysis and business valuation

Assignment Task: Group Oral Presentation & Self Reflective Summary

Assignment Outcomes:

1) Understand the basic techniques of financial analysis and business valuation.

2) Explain the linkage between industry analysis, strategic business analysis, accounting analysis, financial analysis and prospective analysis.

3) Demonstrate inter-relationships between differing business disciplines: financial accounting, financial management and strategic management.

4) Demonstrate work-ready disciplinary knowledge with the application of all three major aspects of financial accounting, financial management and strategic management.

Assessment Task: The assignment is designed to enhance students' oral presentation skills through their analysis and valuation of important business concepts in real world organisation.

Assessment Description: Students are required to work in a group of 3-4 students in the performance of oral presentation. Students must register for their group with the lecturer during the first three weeks of the trimester and are not allowed to change group members afterward.

Topic for both Group Oral Presentation and Self Reflective Summary:

1. Read the case studies of Qantas in the prescribed textbook of this unit Palepu, K., Healy, P., Wright, S., Bradbury, M., Lee, P., 2015, Business Analysis and Valuation Using Financial Statements - Text and Cases, 2nd ed, Asia Pacific Edition, Cengage Learning, Australia: Chapter 2: page 51 - page 66 Chapter 4: page 125 - page 128 (Internet retrieve of Qantas annual reports if needed) Chapter 5: page 188 - page 194.

You are also required to explore and collect more information on the company to complete this assignment.

Hence, additional research must be performed. Then, answer ALL the following questions in both of your oral presentation and written report:

a) Company background and mission

b) Business Strategy Analysis - Analyze a firm's industry (e.g. Porter's five framework model) and its strategy (e.g. cost leadership vs. differentiation) to create a sustainable competitive advantage.

c) Accounting Quality Analysis - Evaluate accounting (or reporting quality) by articulating an assessing the firm's key accounting policies and estimates.

You may want to discuss about Accounting Estimates!!!You need to understand some key accounting policies of the company and how do they estimate - some main ones are allowance for doubtful debts and adjusts the balance after making assessments of aged debtors; revaluation model on Land and buildings but cost model on other PPE.

d) Accounting quality assessments have a lot to do with getting a measure of bias in the reporting. Evaluate the quality of disclosure for the company selected.

Note: The assignment marking guides are provided below to guide students on both the group oral presentation and self-reflective summary.

Note - Only need like 5 slides, if you see assignment description, it say point a b c d, only need 5 slides on part c, don't need too many words.

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Tags: Business Analysis and Valuation Assignment Help, Business Analysis and Valuation Homework Help, Business Analysis and Valuation Coursework, Business Analysis and Valuation Solved Assignments, Financial Analysis and Business Valuation Assignment Help, Financial Analysis and Business Valuation Homework Help

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Other Management: Techniques of financial analysis and business valuation
Reference No:- TGS03027469

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