
Techniques for creating one-point linear perspective


Make one photograph of a landscape scene (a print of this should be included in the final submission). The photograph will serve as inspiration for two drawings. One drawing will employ the techniques for creating one-point linear perspective. One drawing will employ the techniques for creating atmospheric perspective.* As you know sometimes techniques for creating depth in atmospheric perspective appear in paintings emphasizing linear perspective. However, linear perspective must include one point on a horizon line and invisible orthogonals below and above the horizon line to show the objects ’ recession into space.

Write one paragraph that lists and describes how you applied the techniques in your artwork.

Project must include:

Is taple together the typed paragraph, the pages of artwork, and the printed

Include name, date, course number

Type a 12 point, double spaced, proofread paragraph

Demonstrate technical proficiency using all techniques for creating linear perspective

Demonstrate technical proficiency using all techniques for creating atmospheric perspect ive

Provide neat drawings and presentation


See https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpCwVHXvyQk
See https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=ayjbpopn5EI

* Techniques for creating Atmospheric Perspective:

• darker values occupy foreground space, lighter values occupy background space,
• larger shapes occupy foregrou nd, smaller shapes recede into space,
• a bluish haze blankets the backgr ound especially at th e horizon,
• overlapping shapes indicate recession into space.

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Reference No:- TGS01425982

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