Techniques available to the security professional

Discuss below in 5 page and use APA format:

Paper: Home Security Vulnerabilities

Focus on the various tools and techniques available to the security professional in order to prepare a security vulnerability assessment.

Assess your residence, or one occupied by a relative or friend, for every security vulnerability that you see. Remember, do not assume criminals will not notice minor weaknesses.

During your assessment, focus on

1. the neighborhood and general area, and

2. at least four of the following:

• Alarms

• Lighting

• Landscaping

• Doors

• Windows

• Locks

• Fences or Walls

• Cameras

• Motion Sensors

Explain why you believe your five focus areas are or are not potential vulnerabilities.

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Other Subject: Techniques available to the security professional
Reference No:- TGS01799022

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