Technique to create Nested structures:
This technique is the most proficient. Though, the other technique is to build the nested structure one field at a time. As this is a nested structure with one structure inside of the other, the dot operator should be used twice here to get to the real x- and y-coordinates.
>> lineseg.endpoint1.x = 2;
>> lineseg.endpoint1.y = 4;
>> lineseg.endpoint2.x = 1;
>> lineseg.endpoint2.y = 6;
The nested structure has been once created; we can refer to various parts of the variable lineseg. Just typing the name of the variable represents only that it is a structure having two fields, endpoint1 and endpoint2, each of which is a structure.
>> lineseg
lineseg =
endpoint1: [1x1 struct]
endpoint2: [1x1 struct]
Typing the name of the nested structures will show the field names and the values within that structure:
>> lineseg.endpoint1
ans =
x: 2
y: 4
By using the dot operator twice will refer to a separate coordinate, for illustration,
>> lineseg.endpoint1.x
ans =