
Technique of filmmaking

Film TV 122B Introduction to the Art and Technique of Filmmaking Professor Rory Kelly FINAL EXAM Available for download on Thursday, July 24 at 12:01 AM PDT Due Friday, August 1 by 6:00 PM PDT via the class website Please respond to both of the following questions. A substantive four- to five-paragraph response to each question is required. Be sure to answer each question completely. Write in the present tense, use 12-point Times (Mac) or Times New Roman (PC) font, double-spaced, with 1.25” margins left-right and 1” margins top-bottom. Do not repeat the questions in your answers. Each question is worth half of your grade for the exam. Good luck! 1. Watch the clip from ET at the link below, then describe and discuss in detail the (a) temporal, (b) spatial, (c) rhythmic, and (d) graphic qualities of the editing (this will include discussing techniques of continuity editing at work in the scene, but do not limit yourself to discussing continuity editing only). Please do not simply point out the techniques you see at work in the editing. Analyze those techniques, identifying and describing their narrative and emotional functions.


2. According to David Bordwell art films motivate their narratives by two principles: realism (both objective and subjective verisimilitude, as he calls it) and authorial expressivity. Demonstrate your comprehensive knowledge of Bordwell’s essay, and your own creative imagination, by reimagining The Apartment as an art film. In particular, how would you restructure the plot, how would you alter the main characters and their motivations (Fran, Baxter, Sheldrake), and how would you end the story? Be very, very specific about the changes you would make and be very, very specific about why you would make those changes (this will entail linking all of your proposed changes to Bordwell’s notions of realism and authorial expressivity). SOME ADVICE ABOUT TAKING THE EXAM • Do not write blow-by-blow imitations of my lectures or your TA’s posts. • Remember that this is an exam and that as with any exam your TA cannot help you with the

FTV 122B Final Exam – Kelly – 2013

answers. You can ask your TA about any material that has so far been covered in the course, and your TA can help to clarify your understanding of the exam questions, but your TA cannot tell you when you have arrived at the correct answer to a question. So please do not ask your TA to do that for you. Still, you may ask your TA to read a draft of your exam answers so that he/she can help you with issues of clarity and let you know if you have skipped over any topics in your answers that you should probably cover. But beyond this you must devise and compose your own responses to the above questions. • Do not lift text verbatim from Film Art without acknowledging that you are quoting from the book and do not casually “borrow” material from the Internet or other sources. Quotes or ideas paraphrased from other work must be properly cited. Turnitin flags all instances of plagiarism and, as it says in the syllabus, answers that are plagiarized in whole or in part will receive zero credit. • Finally, do not copy from each other or from former students. As it also says in the syllabus, anyone caught cheating from another student, past or present, will automatically fail the course.

YOUR MIDTERM MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA TURNITIN AT THE UPLOAD LINK IN THE CLASS WEBSITE. IT CANNOT BE EMAILED DIRECTLY TO YOUR TA. Please make sure you receive a submission receipt. If you do not receive one, your upload has not been successful. It is your responsibility to ensure that your exam uploads correctly. Exams not properly uploaded will be treated as late.

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