
technique of assessment of growth and


Measurement of physical growth in children is a key element in evaluation of the health status of children. Physical growth parameters include weight, height, head circumference, chest circumference, mid-arm circumference, fontanelle and dentition.

General instructions to be followed during techniques of measurement are:

  1. Welcome parents and the child to a neat and clean physical environment. 
  2. Sit in front of the child at eye level and explain the reason for carrying out the procedure to parents and child. 
  3. Approach the child in a positive manner. 
  4. Allow the child to handle equipment. 
  5. Allow the older child to participate in certain activities of physical measurement. 
  6. Assure the child that none of the equipment hurts. 
  7. Obtain cooperation of small children by offering toys to them. 
  8. Young child can be allowed to sit in parent's lap. 
  9. Educate the school age child by informing the findings of physical measurement.

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Biology: technique of assessment of growth and
Reference No:- TGS0176444

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