
technical losses in power systemsthe technical

Technical Losses in Power Systems

The technical losses in power systems occur because of energy dissipated in the conductors and equipment used for transmission, transformation, distribution of power and sub-transmission. The technical losses in our power systems are high especially in the distribution systems. Here, we describe the measures which could be taken to decrease the technical losses and overcome the existing deficiencies in the system to achieve the whole objectives. You must understand in which technical losses can be reduced and brought down to acceptable levels but cannot be made zero.

The causes of high technical losses are varied and require variant remedial measures to be implemented to bring them down to acceptable levels. The measures that can be implemented in a short period of time, viz. inside 1-2 years are known as short-term measures and those that could be completed in 3-5 years time are known as long-term measures. Here will help you in comprehending these measures for reducing technical losses to acceptable levels, in the Indian context. Further, we discuss the steps required for commercial loss reduction.

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Electrical Engineering: technical losses in power systemsthe technical
Reference No:- TGS0203337

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